Offline Kiosk

Turn your website into a perfect offline kiosk app for iPad and iPad Pro. No coding required.

The ultimate iPad kiosk app downloads your website automatically. Engage your customers with offline forms, surveys, product catalogs, videos, virtual tours, — anything your website has to offer.

Download Offline Kiosk app for iPad and iPad Pro

Offline Kiosk app screenshot
  • Use existing websites

    Download entire website to iPad storage, then display it offline as a full-featured interactive kiosk. Powered by Offline Pages Pro, your web kiosk supports offline videos, forms, page widgets, WordPress themes, AJAX, 3D viewers, and more.

  • Limit visitor browsing

    Choose between online-first and offline-first browsing modes. Make your offline website primary website, or use it as a powerful backup only when Wi-Fi network is not available. Either way, you set the limits where visitors can go.

  • Offline forms

    Collect customer sign-ups, conduct surveys, or run educational programs without Internet connection. Offline Kiosk caches submitted forms in device memory, then automatically forwards the data to your website when connection restores.

  • Custom features

    Web developers can add custom functions to your kiosk. You can disable or enable features while device is offline, create advanced forms with signature pads, track usage while offline, or add support for new web frameworks.

  • Set up multiple kiosks

    It is easy to set up one kiosk and reuse the settings on other devices. You can make new kiosks by cloning, importing from Offline Pages Pro, or even loading a pre-made local website from Mac or PC.

  • Update remotely

    Update your fleet of devices automatically by schedule, when Wi-Fi network becomes available, or manually by sending a push notification when you finish adding new content to the website.

Download Offline Kiosk app for iPad and iPad Pro

Screenshot of Offline Kiosk app downloading a website on iPad

Developer add-ons

Offline Kiosk supports most popular web products and frameworks out of the box, like Ajax, jQuery, Angular, Adobe TypeKit, Krpano, Wix, Squarespace, as well as generic HTML5 video, lightboxes, slideshows, even 3D panoramas. Support for new web frameworks can be added using developer API or website-specific rules.

Learn about developer API

Need it on iPhone?

Need to deploy a microsite for an audio tour on fleet of iPod touch devices? Want to equip visitors with a self-guided tour on their own iPhones?

Offline Kiosk for iPhone or iPod touch is coming to rescue. It will be available as a free upgrade to current customers in late 2019.

Free website compatibility check

Offline Kiosk app iconNot sure if your website will work while offline? We want you to have peace of mind, so we created this free compatibility tool. Send us the URL of your website and we will email you back screenshots of your webpages as they run offline on a device of your choice.

Check my website